National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society

关于 The National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society

I. 任务

The National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society, sponsored by the Chinese 语言 Teachers Association, 美国(CLTA), was founded to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of college students in learning Chinese as a second language, to encourage them to continue to study Chinese after they graduate from college, and to promote the study of Chinese language, 文学, and culture in the United States.

II. 资格

Students must meet the following qualifications to be inducted into the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society and receive its certificate.

Qualifications for two-year college students:

  • Must be a full-time student who has completed three semesters or five quarters of Chinese language courses at the college undergraduate level.
  • Must have enrolled in the fourth semester or the sixth quarter of the Chinese course or other upper-level Chinese language courses.
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4-point scale in Chinese language courses and an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale for all college-level courses.
  • Must demonstrate strong evidence of engagement and commitment to the Chinese language and culture related to school or community activities.
  • Must preserve an excellent record of behavior in and out of school.

Qualifications for four-year college students:

  • Must be a full-time student who has completed five semesters or eight quarters of Chinese language courses at the college undergraduate level or has been placed in the third year of Chinese after the placement test.
  • Must have enrolled in the sixth semester or the ninth quarter of the Chinese course.
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4-point scale in Chinese language courses and an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale for all college-level courses.
  • Must demonstrate strong evidence of engagement and commitment to the Chinese language and culture related to school or community activities.
  • Must preserve an excellent record of behavior in and out of school.

3. 会员应用程序

Students who have met the qualifications specified in Section II must be invited to apply by the 教师 member in charge. The 教师 member in charge needs to get the required information from each candidate if the invitation is accepted and fill in the required information for each candidate online. The deadline for submitting the application form to the CLTA Honor Society Committee is March 1 each year. The completed application should be submitted electronically, as the application form indicates. The 教师 member in charge should also collect $20 USD per candidate to cover the processing and evaluation of the application and production of the certificate. The 教师 member should pay online after submitting the application form on the CLTA website.

Upon receiving the applicant's information and the payment, the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society will verify and approve the application. Certificates for accepted students will be sent to the 教师 member in charge, and the name of each accepted student will be listed on the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society webpage on the CLTA website. (Please allow up to four weeks for delivery of the certificates.)

The 教师 member in charge should hold a brief induction ceremony to issue the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society certificates to the accepted students.

 IV. Qualification and Responsibility of 教师 Advisor

The 教师 member in charge must be a current CLTA member and a full-time teacher at the college/university where students can be inducted into the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society. The 教师 member in charge must stick to the eligibility/requirements set by the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society and stated in Section II when inviting students to apply and will be responsible for the entire process, including inviting qualified candidates to apply, submitting the application form, making the application payment, 交付证书, and conducting the induction ceremony.