Drug and Alcohol Ab使用 Prevention Program (DAAPP) for Employees

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皇冠博彩 supports the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. In support of the College’s drug-free workplace policy, 皇冠博彩为员工制定了药物和酒精滥用预防方案(DAAPP),以防止员工非法使用药物和滥用酒精或吸入剂.

  • 对雇员进行有关酗酒和吸毒的教育,以鼓励他们在使用这些药物时作出负责任的决定;
  • 为经历过酒精和毒品后果的员工提供资源;
  • 支持 employees who are in recovery from substance ab使用 and addiction;
  • Encourage constructive lifestyles and norms that discourage ab使用 of 酒精 and drugs; and
  • Develop an environment that facilitates 酒精 and drug ab使用-free lifestyles.

DAAPP Includes the Annual Distribution of the Following to Each Employee:

  • Policy and standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, 使用, or distribution of drugs, 酒精, 雇员在物业内或作为该区活动的任何一部分使用的吸入剂.
  • A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, 状态, and federal law for unlawful possession, 使用, or distribution of illicit drugs, 酒精 and inhalants.
  • A description of the health risks associated with the 使用 of illicit drugs, ab使用 of 酒精 and ab使用 of inhalants.
  • A description of the drug, 酒精 and inhalant counseling, treatment or rehabilitation programs available to employees.
  • 一份明确的声明,学院将对员工实施制裁(符合当地规定), 状态, and federal law) and a description of the sanctions, 直至并包括终止雇用和因违反行为标准而被转介起诉.

人力资源厅负责向行政理事会提交《皇冠博彩》的两年一次的报告. Northern Virginia Community College is committed to conducting an annual review of its program to: (a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes if they are needed; (b) ensure that the drug, 酒精 and inhalant ab使用 violations and sanctions are imposed by the College are consistently enforced; and (c) prepare a biennial review report to meet full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR Part 86.100.

人力资源办公室作为项目协调员,全面监督员工的药物和酒精滥用预防项目,包括, but not limited to updates and coordination of program information, coordination of the annual notification to employees, and the program biennial review report. 员工DAAPP将告知所有皇冠博彩员工滥用药物和酒精的危害, ways to prevent the ab使用, and penalties that may be imposed for drug and 酒精 ab使用 violations. DAAPP is available to all 教师, staff, adjunct and hourly employees. DAAPP for Employees includes the following:

DAAPP for Employees Includes:

  • Annually and by means of electronic mail, 员工应了解员工DAAPP和相关政策.
  • 员工将在每学年开始时获得该计划和政策的链接.
  • 新的教职员工将在新员工培训中收到一份员工DAAPP和政策.
  • 兼职员工和小时工将收到一份员工DAAPP副本,以及与新员工入职培训和入职文书相关的政策.
  • In addition to the annual notification, 应为员工提供书面材料,包括有关药物和酒精滥用的小册子和文献. 这些材料将在校园经理和人力资源部提供, and online at the website.
  • The Human Resources department shall present periodic events i.e. 在红丝带周期间与皇冠体育服务中心合作,举办酒精意识和预防活动,这些活动包括, but are not limited to, drug and 酒精 ab使用 prevention professional development training sessions, counseling workshops and wellness events.  These programs will be open to College employees at no charge.
  • 员工应被告知员工援助计划(EAP),该计划支持员工关注药物和酒精的使用和滥用. EAP应举办讲习班,教育雇员吸毒和酗酒的风险以及法律和大学的处罚.
  • All employees are eligible to participate in the 健康 Program, which encourages employees to engage in fitness activities. 该计划提倡健康的生活方式,远离毒品和酒精的压力或风险.

人力资源办公室将与DAAPP雇员委员会合作,以确定预防计划的有效性. 委员会将利用各种评估方法提供项目审查. 人力资源办公室将向总统内阁提交两年一次的报告, which will be available to all employees on the Human Resources website. 



Federal Regulatory Requirements

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), 要求学院采取并实施一项计划,以防止非法占有, 使用 or distribution of illicit drugs and 酒精 by employees. In addition, the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 要求某些雇主采取反毒品措施,其中可能包括药物测试. 雇主必须采取这些禁毒措施,但须遵守以下规定:

  • The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
  • Defense Department Contract Rules
  • Department of Transportation Regulations

药物和酒精滥用预防计划中没有任何内容与, 修改, 修改或试图修改皇冠博彩的酒精和受管制物质政策和程序或弗吉尼亚州人力资源管理部(DHRM) Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy 1.05,从各方面预防、管理和控制工作场所的毒品和酒精.

State and Local Regulatory Requirements

In addition to federal requirements, 弗吉尼亚州联邦和弗吉尼亚州酒精饮料管制委员会颁布了管理酒精饮料的各种法律和条例. The unlawful possession, distribution and 使用 of controlled substances and illicit drugs, as defined by the Virginia Drug Control Act, are prohibited in Virginia. In addition, 一些县已经通过了有关非法拥有或分发管制物质的州和联邦法规. 违反这些法律法规的处罚包括在皇冠博彩的附录A中 Alcohol and Controlled Substance Policy and Procedures.